MadeOn Skin Care
MadeOn's Beginnings by Renee Harris, owner
Hi, I'm Renee Harris, mom to 9 kids, husband to 1 😊 and founder of MadeOn Skin Care.

I love helping people find a fix to their skin issues, beginning with extreme dry skin.
You'll find that we not only have a fix with a 3-ingredient lotion bar, but we help you find the triggers to other skin conditions like mild eczema.
Having 9 kids means a LOT of hand-washing over the years, and it's easy to just tolerate the pain that comes from dry, cracked skin, rather than actually fix it.
Listen to my story of how I found the answer to my own dry hands, and then brought it to the internet to help others.
How I found the solution to my extreme dry skin by making and using a lotion bar.
My first lotion bar was created out of desperation, mixed with creativity. The creativity came from the pleasure I got from making things from my kitchen for my family, whether it was soap, bread, mung sprouts or our family special "apple kefir" that resembles Martinelli's sparkling juice.
The desperation came, literally, from my hands. I had the worst pain from the tips of my fingers that were often covered in Band-aids from the cuts and splits from my daily activities and extremely dry skin. My hands were my most important tools, but they caused me intense suffering... until the lotion bar.
Not only did that first lotion bar heal up my skin within days, but we tried it with my son's seasonal eczema, and I was ecstatic that his pain also ended with the lotion bar.
Something that was so easy to make turned into a family business after my older boys and I took it to the farmer's market for testing. I received great feedback from customers at the market, as well as several online groups who agreed to test it and fill out surveys. My husband and I (along with a few of our kids) have been running MadeOn as our full-time family business since 2009.
I KNOW dry skin and the pain it brings. Because I've enjoyed the interaction that I get from my customers, we've created other products that we've developed based on customer request and our own family's needs. Whether you purchase here, or create your own, give it a try and I believe you'll be very happy with the results. Let me know how it works for you!
Meet a majority of our family members (pic taken when I turned 50)