What do people say about MadeOn Skin Care products? Scroll through our thousands of written reviews on each product page, or let our customers tell you themselves:
Tracey, about the Lotion Bar: "This hard lotion is amazing. Having lymphedema my feet get really dry this is the only bar that actually keeps them nourished and from flaking."
Abbie, about the Lotion Bar: "I used to have to put lotion on a couple times a day and I would still feel like I had dry skin. But with this lotion [bar], I put it on once a day in the morning after my shower and my skin feels great all day long. And the smell is wonderful, too!"
Aimee, about Simply Shea Facial: "It provides the perfect level of moisture for my skin.... I feel it makes my skin look a little more "even" on the days I don't wear make-up."
Amy Roberts, about Simply Shea Facial: "My favorite product is the Simply Shea. It's supposed to be a facial emollient, however, we are using it on our hands during this winter season... I have one son who really struggles with to keep his hands hydrated and not chapped and all red to the point of bleeding. This really protects his hands significantly compared to anything else we have used."
Katie, about Beesilk lotion bar: "I've been using the Beesilk bar for a couple weeks now and I love it because it keeps my hands soft and my feet soft. My hands don't crack when I do dishes anymore..."
Chris, about the lotion bar and the peppermint lip balm: "... while I've been sick, I've been putting it [the lotion bar] on my upper lip since it's been so sore. Other times, when I put lotion on, it just burns, but this really nourished me."
Rebekah, about the Beesilk lotion bar and Lavender Roll-on: "In the winter I get really dry skin, it will crack and bleed. [Now] I'm not having any problems with my skin. I use the roll-on for bug bites... sleeping... and I use it as perfume. I've been using MadeOn for about 3 years."
Jared, about Beesilk Jr: "I am 11 years old. I have been using Beesilk for a long time. It has helped me with eczema, dry lips and dry knuckles. Our family loves the Beesilk!"
Beesilk can be used on pets, too!: "... she has an injury to her face. Because the Beesilk bar is all-natural, we feel really comfortable about using it on her. She can lick her face... it doesn't matter if she ingests it..."
Jennifer about Avocado Soap, Simply Shea Facial, Lavender Bar and DIY Kit: "... I notice a big difference in the softness and evenness of my skin... I use the Lavender bar and rub that on the bottoms of my feet and my husband's feet at night... we sleep better and our feet are really soft in the morning."
Nancy about Beesilk lotion bars, scented lotion bars, BeeCool, and the DIY kit: "I love the products so much. I've been using them for a few years. I found out about Renee and her story through an Ultimate Bundles package several years ago and I've been buying the products ever since."
Joy about the lotion bars: "... after a week, I have the softest heels I've ever had... I love the lavender scent; it's my favorite..."
Angie about the Beesilk Bar: "I was really surprised by how much I love it. I have some psoriasis/eczema and I would put it on daily. I noticed first of all that immediately, it looked better... I like that it's simple, it can't spill, and it's healthy."