COVID-19 Update

As of April 9th, we're still shipping!

We have everything in place to keep things humming along here at MadeOn.

In fact, we're even providing our customers access to masks from a local seamstress. Find those here:

We've stocked up on ingredients in case the suppliers run out or are unable to deliver, we're able to produce and ship in a clean environment (with a back-up location if we need it). And we have only the essential workers on hand.

The only potential difference you might notice is if your package takes an extra couple of days to arrive, as this is the message we're hearing from the local post office. Other than that, you can count on us to bring our products straight to your dry skin. You need your tools (your hands) to work for you, and we'll do everything we can to make sure they're soft and ready to go. 

Stuck at home and feeling creative?

While you're in "stay at home" mode, feel free to peruse our recipes and learn how to make your family's skin care from your own kitchen. 

For educational (or pure entertainment) purposes, feel free to watch this video I produced in the early days (almost 10 years ago!). Learn how to make lotion bars in 30 minutes or less. The video technology might be ancient, but the recipe hasn't changed!

(And no, we no longer sell the DIY kits - you should be able to source the 3 ingredients from your local natural food store.)

 Can I send you 4 free downloadable recipe cards? Enter your info below: