How to Prepare Your Skin for Spring
As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, it's time to think about spring cleaning not just for your home, but also for your skin.
6 Spring Care Tips for Glowing Skin
Exfoliate: Winter weather can leave your skin dry and flaky. Start your spring skincare routine by exfoliating to remove dead skin cells and reveal smoother, brighter skin. Try our gentle Raw Silk Noil Washcloth for this.
Moisturize: Just because the weather is warming up doesn't mean you should skimp on moisturizer. Spring air can still be dry, and exposure to sun and wind can cause moisture loss. Lock it in with our Simply Shea Facial Emollient.
Get Out In the Sun: Don't be too quick to apply makeup with sunscreen. You're better off getting sun exposure for at least 30 minutes without sunscreen (or less if you are fair skinned). I'm reading that even exposing your eyes to the sun - without looking directly into it - is a good idea. So don't put on the sunglasses too soon.
Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water is essential for healthy skin. Aim for at least 8 glasses a day to keep your skin looking plump and radiant.
Get Enough Sleep: Make sure you're getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to dull, tired-looking skin.
Allergy-triggers: for unexplained eczema or rash issues, be aware of the spring activities that might cause them.
Allergy Triggers in Spring:
Gardening/landscaping (be aware of any plants with urushiol, which can cause a severe rash).
Sweat-inducing exercise can cause heat rash (wear light, cotton clothing and apply Simply Soothing as soon as the rash appears).
Pedicures make your feet look beautiful for sandal weather but be careful of infections, and be aware of the products that the nail technician uses to clean your feet as they can be drying to the skin.
Spring cleaning your home exposes your skin to harsh cleansers and latex gloves, both which can irritate the skin.
Switching to a "spring fragrance laundry detergent" is tempting because you want the fresh scent clean laundry, but don't let these chemical fragrance names lure you - it may wreck havoc on your skin.
More Help for Skin Conditions:
It’s unsettling to have a 20 minute consultation with a doctor to then be handed a prescription for a topical steroid cream.
Will this fix the problem permanently?
Does this mean I won’t suffer from side effects?
Does this tell me why I have eczema in the first place?
No, No and No.
Read this blog post first before heading to the doc for your unexplained skin condition:
Simply Soothing Rash Cream Testimonial
Jane W:
This rash cream is wonderful!!!! It works on all of my family’s skin rashes, irritations, itches - we use it for everything. And it works!!
Love that this cream is safe for babies and it really works! Rashes clear up so quickly! Good on mosquito bites too!
Love it like all the other products I've purchased from you.
I am a notoriously slow healer. Recently I had a very light brush with the oven door and didn't think anything of it - just hot, no pain. But still I had a burn. Because I'm not used to thinking outside the box I didn't try the rash cream for almost a week. A slight burn that others would have shrugged off in that time was not getting any better. Finally I thought of trying it, and it _rapidly_ healed in just a very few days, and now I only have a slight pink spot where the burn was. I am very impressed.
I was so excited that this worked! I have a patch of eczema on one finger. It has been red and itchy for a month. After using the rash cream once, it started improving. The cream takes the redness and itchiness away if I use a little cream on it daily.
It's very soft and goes on gently. Immediate relief. (I didn't have a severe rash.) No scent, which is nice.
I like this product and use it for eczema & allergic reactions. Helps with itchy skin as well. Over the years if I use a brace that has neoprene in it, even for a short time my skin turns red like a burn, redder for more contact, and even blister like a burn. Of course the less time exposure, the quicker it will heal. I had some small red areas from a leg brace 8-10 hours of exposure(forgot to wear brace over a cotton sleeve). Stopped the itching and in the am the redness much less, gone in 3 days. When my daughter was a baby, desitin was my go to, it also worked well for skinned knees. One thing about it always bothered me was that you could not just wash it off, well maybe you could but with much scrubbing, skin damage & pain, defeating the purpose of its use. This is one reason I like the clean simple recipe for use. You don’t want to provoke a reaction on top of what you are trying to treat. Good to have it on hand for the multiple uses it has, and you will be able to treat a skin issue sooner than later.
So cool and soothing! The nature of my eczema takes on several forms. This cream helped best on what looked like smooth rashes. Great product!
This works well, I had a couple of areas with some soft of rash & this has helped, it's mostly gone. I also put the Shea Facial Emollient on it. This is a great product.
I purchased this in the stick form for my daughter-in-law to use on our seven month old grandson who has eczema on his back and ankles. I just saw him yesterday and took a look at his eczema and it is so so much improved. She is very pleased and thankful. Thank you for such a great product.